Monday, December 31, 2012
Life long learning is something to be maintained. A open mind and heart can help. Positive actions, kindness, prayer, love and meditation can be key elements within this world.
Friday, December 28, 2012
It's a battle between what I wish and How it is...It's confusing between What I want and What I need...It grows unclear between that which is desired...and that which should be done...Time grows unclear between past present,now,and past future....all the temptations of retreat grow stronger,as the drumbeat reminds you forward....maybe everything does grow then go away-?-
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The D Is Silent !
Saw Quinton Tarentino's Django Unchained yesterday. His delivery is consistent. I liked how I "fell" into the movie and started to believe the characters as they "were"...that had me forgetting their other roles within other films. The compositions within the frame were well arranged. The music was effective. The whole experience was a lot of fun. Large crowds were at the "big conglomerated multiplex'-"the audience was into the movie-even had a few {of my ol favorite }screen talkers. It seems lots of upcoming films from the trailers have very similar Scary Movie Part 1 Billion story lines. I also noticed that many movies are relying on 3-D,special effects, and various other techniques. Could it be true that many Holiday movies attempt to reach the audience that doesn't want to talk to their own relatives and friends so it is a diversion to go to the movies? I thought the experience was fun!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Music Box
Sang and watched 2 movies at the movie house that kind of opperates as a art temple for film. Very holiday theme to the max = a lot of fun. I like the open audience participation. Spending good time with great people always feels good. A coffee house named Bad Ass Coffee was a treat as well ! Long live Art!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Saw the flick at the loveable Vic's Brew & View...spent some laughs at Toons on Southport with some friends-I'd hope everyone could have as much fun with their friends!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
As I type this-YESTERDAY !
Yesturday in my travels I came across some art gallery moments. Aron Packer is still going strong. He recognized me after not regularly seeing one another from years back. We had a real good little conversation about how are lives have changed and it felt good to go down memory lane a bit. I hope to visit many upcoming art openings at the gallery. The conversations continued into music and the banjo-I come home and talk some more banjo with the great Mr. Anchovie at 27th street over the phone. Chicago's Documentia and other galleries have some more work up for dreaming over and purchase. This and many other adventures happened yesturday as I type this!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Great music man !
A different soul who happens to go by the name of "Freed" played a couple of songs yesterday and introduced me to others in his world/from his world-what a experience!!
Monday, December 17, 2012
From infront of 4 sale 4 lease
Yesterday another artist and his friend purchased a painting of mine-while looking at another painting he said ahh a self portrait-I said yes-he said sometimes it takes a artist to see a artist-...MAYBE-the painting is added on with symbolic distortions.?!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
I've met some great people recently. YAMS is a cool artist who even taught me about some artwork and artists that I didn't know about. Illavision's "Bazooka Joe" took some great photos and the world could be a better place when he finishes that photo creative documentary that he has ideas for.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Not Easy To Wait All The Time.
Candy Minx's visual movie/film projecct has been going great!! I'm sure a little "splash in some forms of press" will be available soon !! 1 of the greatest friends in the whole universe Zandra has her side of the creative project going on as well. Very spirit uplifting!
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Bring The Noise !!!
Stickfight Dave n I were at the House Of Blues to see and hear the HIP HOP GODS.COM tour!!! Professor Griff is still writing books,Flavor Flave can play the Bass and Drums,Chick D is still topical and a great host-I got to see Schooly D..I could go on n gave ya that feeling of a dream that really happened. Monie Love,Leaders of the New school, X Clan,son of beserk,just to name a few of the current talent still giving their all on stage!!!