Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Clock it

As the
Slowly drags itself to our now and our future
The now and the future combine it feels at
Speeds never felt before

Friday, April 26, 2013


...one is 'in the weeds...'
it is easy to feel
a clearing
could never be

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Feels like it is going faster
Doesn't necessarily need to be so
Doesn't make it so either
Like being caught in the rain

Everything is "normal"


Monday, April 15, 2013


..a earth day disaster
a television {tell lies 2 your vision} commercial reminds 'us"
that more is better
print ads remind us that
images are simulated
that this
or the other
can help eliminate boredom

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Landline Sound Poetry

Yesterday I visited a art gallery that reminded me of the ol' Woodstreet Gallery days. Landline is/was a independant creative publication/zine. Many of the creators took turns performing and reading their pieces with accompanying sounds/modern music. I enjoyed every second of it AND it helped reinstall the magic that is all around us within this urban experience.